Nullamlacus dui ipsum

Nullamlacus dui ipsum conseque loborttis non euisque morbi penas dapibulum orna. Urnaultrices quis curabitur phasellentesque congue magnis vestibulum quismodo nulla et feugiat. Adipisciniapellentum leo ut consequam ris felit elit id nibh sociis malesuada.

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To prepare intellectually competent, socially concerned, morally upright and technically inclined teachers who act as catalyst to shape the destiny of India.


To empower prospective teachers through continuum of knowledge and wisdom by equipping them with latest techniques assisted by technology.


The objectives of the institute are as follows:-

(a) To impart teacher training facilities to the wards/dependents of the Army personnel including the war widows.

(b) To provide an environment to train teachers that is economically affordable yet qualitatively superior.

(c) To equip trainee teachers with skill-sets that would enable them to integrate into the existing school system with ease.

(d) To develop reflective practitioners in the teaching learning process.

(e) To create teachers with high levels of sensitivities in the domain social and emotional intelligence.

(f) To build on the qualities of National Integration, Tolerance, Justice, Fraternity, Liberty and Equality in the trainee teachers.

(g) To inculcate spiritual values in teachers for their holistic development.

(h) To provide opportunities to explore and discover integration of technology into the teaching learning process.

(i) To acquire the knowledge, attitude and skills about the needs of differently-abled learners in inclusive and special schools.