Army Welfare Education Society (AWES)

To meet the requirement of providing quality education to the soldiers of the Indian Army, the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 on 29 Apr 1983. The Apex Body of AWES is the Board of Governors (BOG) with the Chief of Army Staff as the Patron-in-Chief and Army Commanders as Patrons. The day-to-day work, in pursuance of BOG directions, is carried out by an Executive Committee headed by the Adjutant General (AG) and a retired Officer appointed as full-time secretary of AWES.
The Regimental schools, initially named Army High schools, were later christened as Army Schools. All schools were redesignated as Army Public Schools on 01 Jul 2011. There are 137 Army Public Schools across cantonments and military stations in India, all following the NCERT curriculum and affiliated with CBSE, New Delhi. 1994 marked a milestone in the history of AWES with the decision to open professional colleges. Currently, there are 12 professional colleges including Medical College, Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Management, Law, Dental Sciences, Education, Fashion Design, and Nursing. AWES is excelling in providing quality education to the wards and dependents of Army personnel since its inception.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international standard development organization composed of representatives from national standards organizations. This organisation deals with developing standards, research, capacity building, and education about standards. Army Institute of Education is an ISO-certified Institute with quality parameters being maintained over years.