Chairman's Message
Army Institute of Education (AIE), Greater NOIDA has been set up as a premier Institute under the aegis of the Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) with the aim of providing quality pre-service teacher education to the dependents of Army personnel.
The vision behind the establishment of this institute was that the children of army personnel were deprived as far as education was concerned due to the direct consequence of soldiers serving under difficult conditions in remote areas where educational facilities are not always available or up to mark. Additionally, the regular movement of army personnel, potentially across the country, affects the continuity of education of their wards. To provide them quality teacher’s training the institute was established in August 2003 and is entirely financed from the welfare funds of the Indian Army.
The Institute offers BEd and BEdSplEd programmes, committed to help all those who are trying to make a career out of academia. Adhering to this, we keep our Training and Placement Programs attuned to the present demand of education sector. Institute is equipped with excellent infrastructure facilities, combined with the support of highly qualified faculty to cater to the needs of the student community.
I strongly believe that teachers are the torch bearers of the Nation. They are the master craftsmanship of our young generations. I am sure that students of AIE are intellectually competent, socially concerned, morally upright and technically inclined who will act as catalyst to shape the destiny of India and their presence profoundly felt not only within the region but also in National and International arenas.
I wish you all a great success in all endeavours in the years to come.
Let us carry out tradition of Teaching and Learning.
Maj Gen Sumit Mehta, VSM, COS, HQ Delhi Area
Headquarters Delhi Area
Delhi Cantt – 900106