Army Institute of Education offers residential full time professional education programmes as under:
A Pre-service teacher education programme of the duration of two academic years leading to Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi and approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
Practicum is mandatory for all students as per NCTE & University norms to appear in End Term Examinations of each semester.
B.Ed. Programme & Course Outcomes
Programme & Course Outcomes - 2017 onwards
Programme & Course Outcomes - 2015-17
B.Ed Syllabus 2023 onwardsTime Table
B.Ed. Time Table Batch 2022-24B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (LD)
A two year programme leading to Bachelor of Special Education (Learning Disability) (B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (LD) approved by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) from academic session 2019-20 and affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi.
Mandatory for all students as per RCI norms to appear in End Term Examinations of each semester.
B.Ed. Spl. Ed. (LD) Programme & Course Outcomes
Programme & Course Outcomes - 2018-20
B.Ed. Spl. Ed.(LD)Time Table
B.Ed. Spl. Ed.(LD) Time Table Batch 2022-24
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